Walker Film Production

Walker is a family name.

It’s also a credo. Following passion is what got us where we are today. We've told a lot of stories. Made a lot of images. Helped a lot of people.

We believe in more than delivering content. Content for its own sake is easy. What counts in our shop is clarity of process. Consistency. Invention. Focus.

Bob Dylan said he who’s not busy being born is busy dying.

At Walker, our business is being born.

The future of GRIME Studios and the creative community of Portland, Maine is the subject of our most recent documentary project. GRIME is a building brought to life by 20 years of music, art, poetry, and emotion.

Today, 30 bands have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  No other space in Portland allows the freedom these bands need to practice whenever they can.

Tomorrow is a different story.  GRIME will be torn down within the next year to clear space for a new development.

GRIME front man Justin Curtsinger has worked tirelessly to relocate the studios. On the 7th building in his search, Justin took a leap of faith and signed a 10-year lease.

He’s got the building; he’s got the plans and the contractors lined up; all that’s left is to raise far north of $100,000 to fund the buildout.

© 2024 Patrick Walker Russell